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When it's climate fire, it does magical things. Trust the science on that.

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I agree

They arenтАЩt normal fires.

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It is simply Arson and Murder by our gov employees.

Let us tell it how it is!

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Federal, life in prison offenses.

Can the Feds investigate who is doing this? Or do they have to investigate themselves?

Are we the only people smart enough to see what is going on?

What do we do about it?

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There are a couple things we can do!

1. We need to continue to learn and understand this reality we're in. We need to understand that a) our country is under attack from the inside as it has been for the past 100 years or so:


and b) our science and world is built off of a fake reality:


2. Once we truly grasp this, we can begin to see reality for what it truly is. And once we can, we can begin to wake others so a) they can see that our governments are ruled by a secret elite:


b) and that these elite, will control our government and use propaganda to believe in things that aren't real for their benefit:




Once the masses see this, once the majority of the 300,000,000 of us come to terms with these facts and this reality, we might possibly be able to stop the 545 individuals (0.0001818%) from ruling over us:


Hope this all helps in a starting point!

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Waiting for the majority of 300,000,000 to awake is unnecessary and a losing strategy. A determined minority with truth on their side is sufficient. Always has been.

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I think it's important to do both, although I will say that if people can't grok the truth I tend to leave them behind and keep moving forward.

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As a Jew in New York said, in 1948, about the prospects of anti-Semitic Germany preceding the war, "The pessimists went to New York, and the optimists went to the gas chambers (sic)."

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Is this why NY is full of pessimistic Jews?


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Well said.

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Interesting, until you got to the "once the masses see this..." part. Most Americans, like everyone else on the globe, believe what they are told by what they perceive to be "authority." Getting these people -- probably 60 percent of the population -- to come around will be impossible, in my view. What we are going to wind up with is a kind of civil war, one where the lines drawn will be marked by differing views of reality. I really fear a bloodbath in this country.

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That will not be as bad as the alternative.

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It does help and thank you for your contribution Franklin O'Kanu.

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Thank you, Franklin.

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Please see, as one first and partial step, dis-investment and pooling resources and CREATING OUR OWN ECONOMY. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-run-on-chase-customers-abandon

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Like one or more TV stations that tell the truth for a change!

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Amen, old friend. We have no need for fear, the battle ahead is already over, just a bit around the bend in the formerly straight path.

And we have been called to an arms of the spirit, a valor that comes from on high.

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And what about the poor people in Maui that were just evaporated OR do we think it is mostly faked?

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Ed Dowd can shed light on this directly, I tried to raise him on gettr unsuccessfully. Maybe some others can try. He is likely busy under the circumstances. Not sure he knows about the DEW.

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If we know, Dowd knows. He thinks it's brush fires like RFK:


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Yes, but we are running out of time I think. The Evils are ramping things up. We need a Defense of the people from the Evil's offensive Murderous slaughter of so many different ways. I can list 8-10 at least. We need a defensive group plan to defend our health and welfare. And then additionally as the saying goes the best defense ...

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You are not well. Did you talk to MTG today? I always wanted to talk to a Jewish Space Lasers Soros Cabal Pizzagate gate guy.

On second thought, maybe not. Too old to waste my time.

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I think the Feds are setting the fires.

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Led by their bosses, the global cabal.

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Don't think the Feds investigate anything unless told to by their handlers

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Can you say who their handlers are and why most of them would listen to them?

Everybody needs to NOT fall in line and MUST think for themselves, overturning every rock.

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As I understand, itтАЩs the Kahzarian Mafia. They go back thousands of years and title themselves Jews. But they are not Jews.

You can read /watch Videos about this on Rumble. ItтАЩs explained by Clif High on his channel but you have to go back at least a year or more to find them. Interesting info.

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Yes, that is my understanding for some of the leaders also. Saw Cliffs videos, thanks, I just like to check with others for feedback.

Now my views are morphing some, based on new information and research. You are probably not going to like the sounds of this and it is somewhat difficult to articulate ( and believe ). It just keeps getting worse doesn't it ?

The real Evil Leaders for NWO ( think GW Bush Sr. ) are the Marxists that "left " Soviet Union in 1980s when the Wall came down AND the Nazi s and offspring from WW 2 and the US Gov - Shadow Gov and Deep State that want to rule the One World Slave System Gov. So I suppose the WEF is being blamed but they are just part of the puzzle and it is really being done by the US O'biden and Hilliary, Kissinger etc. Maybe that is why they are burning us and lasering us and destroying us with poisons in the air and engineered storms and hurricanes and False Flag FIB events.


Th├й story goes something like that. That is why the US is tearing down their gov to start the international governance and inviting in all the usual suspects WHO, NATO, China, to help rule the US citizens since they will be the most problematic.

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" are the Marxists that "left " Soviet Union in 1980s"

???!!! Genuine Marxism posits the triumph of the working class against the corporatist globalists, and you have it inverted.

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This is not my expertise so I don't like trying to explain something I am not clear on ЁЯШК This theory was posed by one of the commenters in one of the substacks I read. Don't recall which one. It seems very plausible. Goes like this... When the " Wall fell ", the writer was stating it was a rouse and the Marists joined with the corporate interests and further screwed the working classes and people in Russia. Now these leaders are joining with US who is doing the same thing with gov and corporations. They will be joined by the leaders of the other captured countries. The U.S. may or may not be the ring leader.

Or the writer was saying, as I understood, the true Marists had to leave the Soviet at the time because Marxism was no longer in fashion and went elsewhere for decades and are reemerging now to join the other co operative player countries to create the captors of the Globalist, One World gov.

It is hard to tell one Psych Ops from another but if the US gov D#$E$@&W dept just incinerated their citizens in their homes and demolished a famous idyllic seaside town before our eyes and then joked about it to our faces, to make fun of the American's naivety, which they have great contempt for, it seems the US is likely the ring leader in this take over plot unfortunately. See coffeeandcovidsubstack from yesterday and this substack and TLAV site.


Other assaults by D-#E@%+W courtesy of the US *Offense* dept.


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Have read that the Roman Empire is still in business. Plus many other suspects.

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It's assured. The Roman Empire in its expanding infancy was a force to be reckoned with. But in its decline, circumstances led to the partial handing of her power over to the religious arm, which became the "Holy Roman Empire." Since then it has been her practice to incorporate pagan symbolism and the worshiping of idols to supposedly appease both Christians and Pagans. But there was, and still is, a deceptive, movement behind the scenes, facilitated and performed by the Jesuit Order (the RCC's secret military arm) to undermine the "damage" done to the RC Church by way of the Reformation, which Luther ignited half way through the 16th century. The associated history of such, can still be acquired, but the majority has been diluted, scrubbed, and decimated. If anyone would like to delve into the particulars, they need only to acquire "The Great Controversy" by E.G. White. Find the oldest version possible (1905?) and read "Fox's Book of Martyrs." for a close look at the atrocities performed in the name of "the church" and by the "Society of Jesus" aka the Jesuit Order.

Do not be deceived...Satan is at the commanding helm of the pyramid seen on the back of every dollar bill, being the "all seeing eye of Lucifer." Those submitting and falling in line under the rule of the devil, even those who do not believe they are, are in fact taking part of his scheme; his plan to destroy God's people, His Creation, and his gift to the oppressed followers of the Truth. WE know that gift to be America, but that was THEN, when the nation held a higher moral ground. The covenant between the nation and the Gift Giver, has been annulled, and yet God's Hand is still not fully withdrawn. When that does happen, and that time is surely coming, there will be witnessed ALL of that which is prophesied in Mat. 24, once protection wanes more fully.

Is that good or bad news?


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The Feds may well be the ones doing it...

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Thank you very much. These are excellent videos to prove we are being attacked and burned and murdered. Who is doing it ? Dr. Evil or aliens or ...our Federal gov ?

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The corrupt sociopathic money ADDICTS in power have an EMBEZZLING SCAM they have been doing for decades, enriching themselves and their buddies with fiat government money, while telling the public that government money is "our taxes" and other lies re supposed "national debt" and scary "deficit".

All the entities set up to be the electronic prison they are finalizing to subjugate us are "privatized", and privatization is their major embezzling scam, sold to us with MORE lies. (Lies like privatization will be "more efficient", will "save money", etc.)

Vax companies, all the entities to track and control us under the guise of "helping the climate" - digital IDs, social credit, ESG, carbon tracking, digital bank currency, 15-minute cities and more - are privatized .The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many governments FOREVER while ensuring we could not rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity.

The US sociopaths have been taking over countries for many decades to embezzle from more governments, which is why the puppet leaders they install immediately announce "privatization". Corrupt people handling fiat money can bill the government ANY AMOUNT for running a system, service or asset that should be run by ETHICAL GOVERNMENT; systems such as healthcare, military, postal service, infrastructure, require FIAT money and can not generate a profit unless there is corruption.

So corrupt sociopaths overbill to provide massive exec salaries and insanely high profits, which is why the entities typically go on the Stock Market - Wall Street knows that profits are guaranteed via fiat government money!! So does almost every traitor in Congress, at least after they have been there for a few years. Many governors and others know, as Rick Scott and Chris Christie knew even before they were governors, and ensured MORE embezzling when they got into office. smh

EXPOSE the embezzling scam and the truth re government money to be effective in this fight for our lives: Henry Ford said that there would be "revolution before tomorrow morning" if the people know how the money system actually worked.

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Right on ЁЯОп

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Oh geez. ItтАЩs not God.

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If a parent directs his adolescent son to steal an item, who is to blame? Is it not the person in command? If the killing of persons is directed by an organization, yes, naturally, the ones with bloody hands are guilty, but punishment is rightly weighted just as heavily or possibly even more so upon the order-giver. One might find it difficult to imagine a God of Mercy would "order" the killing of EVERY man woman and child....even the cattle belonging to a certain city, but history documents that very thing. How is that equitable or how does that square with His perfect Character? It was for these reasons: The Pagans were AGAINST the God of Heaven, choosing to worship idols of stone and wood, over their True Creator. But more so, they would have posed a great threat to the Hebrew nation, if left to re-populate. And more so even yet, that God's mighty "arm" would exonerate Himself amidst the enemies of Truth. Further, it was a test of obedience placed upon King Saul, and Joshua.

More recently, the plan of Satanic origin has come to surface in the Covid fiasco and incidents such as by way of plagues, conflagrations (fires) floods, and earthquakes. Not all that the eye sees is as it truly is. Satan is able to do some rather unbelievable feats when allowed to do so. WE can expect a ramping up of "natural" disasters in advance of those things which are also allocated by him to deceive souls in these "End Times." God has warned us in specific. Read, read, read!


PS. Alien beings visiting earth is Satan's deceptive ploy. And the government has been infiltrated fully, just as the regulatory agencies, and EVERY other system of import in society. Look toward the highest "commander" of evil to find the answers to questions such as the ones posed.

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There are pictures

Like Robert Brame posted in the above video

In Maui

Of wood unburned

And only the area around metal bolts- burned

This was no ordinary fire

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That was very, very interesting.

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Whoever is doing this, they are monsters. The enemy attacking.

Maybe this is why the fed gov is bringing in the alien thing now. Thinking we are stupid enough to blame this on aliens.

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Deadly тАЬsolar flaresтАЭ suddenly are a topic , too.

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I heard they were going to do that.

Have you seen this ? Project Blue Beam. Being shown off in Dubai interestingly but not to the public in US. Maybe they were going to use it here for the Alien attack in US. Not sure we are going to be that scared now though. In another video demonstration in a classroom, by a researcher, he said that it was used in 911. Don't have ref handy, sorry.


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This was going to be used for the Alien attack, but they may have to scrap that idea. Americans are not quite as dumb as the evils thought they were. We will see.

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Just ask Kerry!

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Why does he look like a monster? Ah, he is one. Gotcha.

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Looks like Lurch.

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Aug 13, 2023
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Outcome the same. Bush and Kerry were

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Follow the science of fire circles ?

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IтАЩm sure they can produce some stooge in a lab coat and glasses to explain it all to us simpletons ЁЯШЬ

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Like masks and Covid! They magically turn into protective barriers against respiratory viruses!

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Why would they choose Lahaina?

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It is a land grab. The waterfront business district was mostly old, quaint wood frame buildings. Developers wanted the land to build high rise housing and resorts but the owners wouldn't budge. The land still has tremendous value but few owners will have the resources to rebuild and will likely have to sell just to survive. When the developers are done, Lahaina will look like Waikiki. (added link)


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As others have said here, I think its Directed Energy Weapons, DEW. From satellites I guess.

We are not talking aliens, that's just psyop BS.

It couldn't be China either, at least not without the complicity of the U.S. DoD.

No, I think this is proof that there is a world government apparatus already in place.

I don't think a world government apparatus cares too much about Lahaina real estate. I think there's some other reason they targeted Lahaina.

That apparatus is in control of the U.S. DoD.

This is consistent with the Covid operation being perpetrated by the U.S. DoD, at least in the U.S.

Its a depopulation agenda. They are not using DEW to directly depopulate, but to support the climate change narrative, which will be used to depopulate.

It's about control, not money, although money is of course central to their plans.

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China does not want to do this crap, it is ALL the sociopathic money ADDICTS in our own government, the biggest terrorists in and of the world.

The US sociopaths have been taking over countries for decades to embezzle from more and more governments. They created the WEF, they direct the WHO (and have signed on to the WHO treaty and are mostly NOT telling us!) and they have set up all the entities of their electronic prison to subjugate us - digital IDs, ESG, social credit, carbon tracking, 15-minute cities, etc - as "privatized", which is their major embezzling scam. Their evil plan is to get TRILLIONS from many governments FOREVER while ensuring we can not rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity.

They use cloaking terms like "private" prisons, "for profit" healthcare, "public-private partnerships", etc, because they know that there is public backlash against privatization; we should always push back and use the CORRECT term when they do this. Currently, public education is being privatized by calling it "school choice" and "charter schools".

The lying embezzlers take over government services and systems and pretend they will run something better than the government and "like a business", but this scam is designed so they can bill the government ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. Wall Street firms fall over each other to invest - so do most Congress (or Parliament) members - when these entities are put on the stock market, because they know that profits are guaranteed via fiat government money.

They all know that government money is NOT OUR TAXES, and that countries that issue their own currency do NOT have an actual "national debt" that the liars love to fearmonger us about, etc. We need to know what they want kept hidden from us.

They have been creating more and more entities to be run as embezzling vehicles with fiat money. They use cloaking terms like "public-private partnerships" and "for profit", but it is all CORRUPTION. Blackrock, Vanguard and others got rich via this corruption, NOT because they are "good at business". They all keep sucking in that fiat government money, and the WEF wants to be the biggest embezzler, saying it wants to be the biggest owner (or whatever) of public-private partnerships.

The lunatic money addicts in power lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, violating the Nuremberg code, war crimes and more.

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Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework тАУ Part 1


Resistance IsnтАЩt Futile: The Global Rejection Of CBDCs


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Hawaii is

And has been

a playground for the elite billionaires

Bezos has a compound on Maui

Oprah is on Maui too

Larry Ellison basically bought the whole island of Lanai

Obama is on Oahu

Zuckerberg has a huge estate on Kauai

So theyтАЩd have an invested interest is turning over Lahaina

Maui was draconian during covid

Policing the beaches

Had to be masked on beaches

Road check points

Rebuilding Lahaina to be the first тАШsmart cityтАЩ in USтАж thatтАЩs a possible motive

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Very good point .... I've vacationed there at least 4-5 times and LOVED Maui (and the other islands too) !!

This same tactic has been used DOZENS if not Hundreds of times all over the world.... the powers behind the curtain find a way to destroy something beautiful that belongs to the locals and has for generations, All so they can then step in buy the land cheap and build something THEY want on the land the blood sweat equity, and backs of We the People.

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In the 1st video I posted, the narrator opines it will be made into a test 15 minute city. We'll see.

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I was just saying this to my husband. It's certainly a feasible motive.

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Follow the money.

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Aug 13, 2023Edited
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Hit them with directed energy weapons?

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Oh, a random arsonist will do. There is a firefighter above in the comments who explains how embers can start fires outside of a fire zone. I can believe the DEW theory, but I also remember the fire 2 years ago in Tahoe that was started by some crazy lady who heard voices (which might have been OP too....). It drove out a lot of residents who couldn't rebuild and freed up a bunch of prime land for redevelopment for richer types.

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I think that DEW explains the facts and the random arsonist is just a theory.

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interesting take from Sasha Latypova

Maui - Plans for A High Tech Prison Island?


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That is a rich comment, Dog.

Stealing that one!

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When hundreds of gallons of gas and diesel, from the fuel dock leak all over the ocean, and catch on fire. That's what happens

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You're right - it's all innocent unfortunate coincidences. But explain this: how are there trees with green foliage amongst houses/buildings that have burned to white ash?

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Because trees are alive, and full of water, and houses are made of extremely dry wood, especially dry because plenty houses old. You ever try and burn a live tree? They don't burn. I understand what you're trying to say, but this fire, this situation isn't the one. Other fires in maybe were what you're saying,but not this one

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Because trees are alive, and full of water, and houses are made of extremely dry wood, especially dry because plenty houses old. You ever try and burn a live tree? They don't burn. I understand what you're trying to say, but this fire, this situation isn't the one. Other fires in maybe were what you're saying,but not this one

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Aug 13, 2023Edited
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"How did all the boats burn out on the water?" -- My guess is s simply from wind-blown embers falling onto the ships. For example, back in 2008, we (I'm a retired firefighter) had a large old bicycle factory fire that was raining nails and embers upon us and which set fires to 4-story roofs a block away. And that was without a strong wind. Let's not give the opposition ammunition by spouting "conspiracy theories" that are easily knocked down. That just hurts our credibility on vaccine issues, etc.

P.S. Terrible to see the fires on Maui. I honey-mooned there 24 years ago at my wife's grandfather's house on the slopes near Hana (on the eastern rainy side of the island).

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The fires are unnatural, like others that have been occurring. Watch this video by Peggy Hall with " Brame, a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire behavior. Robert provides the evidence to back up the claims that Dane Wigington reports ..."


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It was NOT embers - come on. Fiberglass resin does not easily ignite from embers.

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I forgot to mention the radiant heat from the entire town being on fire (ever been close to a huge bonfire?). If the boats were close to shore, I think that would be enough to set them on fire (or melt them), even without embers. True, "Google" says fiberglass won't burn. But, it also says fiberglass will melt when exposed to high heat.

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Is that how the 3 rd building was downed a few buildings away from the twin towers? Am ember? Or raining nails? There was no third plane in sight and the other two had already " impacted " their targets.

As far as the raining nails, maybe they were being catapulted over to this third downed building that happened well after the primary event.

The ( new ) Owner of the previously standing twin towers describes it best after he went to the bank to collect his 17 Billion ( with a B ) of insurance money. It is probably still on the usual uncensored sites.

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Finally, someone dares to question the validity of a post. I know that Miller has instructed all to question all, but this practice is almost in zero evidence here. So, thanks for standing by your guns and esp for saying "Let's not give the opposition ammunition by spouting "conspiracy theories" that are easily knocked down. That just hurts our credibility on vaccine issues, etc." Exactly. (I should add that the Washington Post in a huge headline stated that this was not specifically a "climate change" event, but rather a rare convergence of several weather upheavals)

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Although I just heard the Governor of HI in an MSNBC youtube clip say twice it was global warming, and that the world needs to awaken to that, and praise Biden and FEMA and say how wonderful they are. He also, strangely, while saying he wouldn't discuss this in front of children, or that he wouldn't describe the deaths as it was too grim, nonetheless described the condition of bodies they are finding.

Similar conditions occurred during the Oakland Hills Firestorm


and emergency personnel, long before vax damage and mandate purges, were so unprepared that they put out a call over the radio for volunteers to fight the storm, which was clearly insane (though we were ready to go), and which was soon rescinded. But, if it were to turn out that the Leviathan caused this much damage and destruction to give a PR lift to the Biden administration, terrify people, destroy beauty and memories, set up disaster capitalism, run with some climate emergency BS pulsed through all the media tentacles, I wouldn't be in the least shocked.

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I agree to the 72 hour rule. But honestly, that rule still comes down to facts from possible liars.

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This blog has more skeptics and sarcasm them most any other.

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I really liked Hanna. Not crazy about the drive there.....

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Yep, a 2-3 hour drive that is bit curvy and narrow in spots. Back in 2007, made my 6-yar old girl car sick. But, my wife to;d me that that when she was a girl (back in the early 80's visiting her grandfather there) the road wasn't as well maintained and took twice as long as it does today.

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And did you see? The magnanimous Bezo so generously just donated 100 million to the Maui relief fund тАж

How long until they start erecting the first and only smart 15 minute city in the US?

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The fuel dock leaked hundreds of gallons of gas, and diesel, which spread, and burned on top of the water, which caught the boats on fire. I know this as fact. I live in Hawaii and know that harbor very well

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It's the great "boiling." WEF told us.

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